The Board of Directors of GRUPO GEFISCAL CONSULTORÍA DE EMPRESA, SL is responsible for continuously designing, evaluating and revising the company’s Quality Policy based on the following premises.
- Purpose
The purpose of this Quality Policy is to develop the Group’s instruments to strengthen the competitiveness of the products and services provided to its customers.
Through the development of the aforementioned instruments, the Group strengthens its model of sustainable growth in the sphere of a culture of excellence and the procedures related to quality management.
The Company conceives quality as one of the basic principles of the Group. It is the driving force, which reflects its innovative vocation and seeks to make small and large changes a reality that make people’s lives easier through efficiency, self-reliance and the constant search of continuous improvement. All this encompasses the commitment to other values such as simplicity, agility and anticipation.
The Group’s value-creation model is supported by three strategic pillars: growth, excellence and optimization of resources for its customers, as a central element of all its activities. In this context, the ultimate goal of the Group’s sustainable and shared value-creation model goes beyond the mere generation of profitability and also aspires to act as a driver and lever for social change.
The Gefiscal Group, through its Management, supports and coordinates the implementation, monitoring and verification of compliance with this Policy by all the companies of the Group.
- Scope of application
This Policy is applicable to all the companies that make up the Group.
- Basic principles of action
In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, the Group assumes and promotes the following basic principles of action that govern all its activities in terms of quality:
- Improving internal and external customer satisfaction, a central element of the Group’s activities and the design and configuration of its products and services, so that they meet or exceed customer expectations.
- The promotion of operational excellence, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in management, with the aim of increasing competitiveness and creating value for the human team, shareholders and other stakeholders in the Company.
- The promotion of quality management systems, giving priority in their implementation to the contribution of value to the different organisations of the Group.
- Focus on the Company’s Stakeholders, working to identify and satisfy, or even exceed, their expectations.
- The involvement of all Group professionals through teamwork, information flows, internal communication, training, equal opportunities and recognition of achievements.
- Company quality model
The Company’s quality model forms part of the Group’s Business Model. This has been established through a global quality management system that coordinates and supervises the quality management systems of the different corporate areas and businesses of the Group. This enables us to take advantage of synergies derived from belonging to it and promote compliance with the basic principles of action referred to above.
As part of this model, in order to adequately supervise compliance with the provisions of this Policy, the Group has quality guidelines, approved by the Company’s Quality Department, which define the general strategic lines of quality. They are consistent with the basic principles of action set out above and with the commitment to continuous improvement, and are communicated to the companies of the Group, who develop them and specify them in quality objectives and goals at their different organisational levels, respecting their corporate structure and Group governance.
Our Quality Policy is based on the Mission, Vision and Values of the company.
MISSION: : To design quality solutions to provide a service that generates the greatest security and peace of mind for the client in the development of their business activity.
VISION:To establish itself as one of the main groups providing professional services.
VALUES: The Gefiscal Group Management maintains a clear commitment to the quality of the services provided to its clients and other stakeholders, with the aim of meeting their expectations and demands, whilst including the applicable requirements.
For all these reasons, the Group plans its strategy and business management based on the following values:
- Customer focus: What is important to the customer is important to us..
- Professionalism: We will transmit to our clients commitment, value and quality of service based on the ethics and confidentiality that they deserve.
- People:We generate solutions through teamwork, communication and equal opportunities among the interest groups that are part of our organisation.
- Continuous Improvement:Promoting sustained business growth, through efficiency, training and innovation in our work processes in order to be more competitive.
Our brand is synonymous with excellence. Our processes always meet the highest standards of quality and control, our extensive and experienced structure is prepared to solve any problems that may arise along the way, and we make all of this available to our clients, so that our successes are, from now on, yours too. It is not enough for us to be different, we assert our skills by promoting quality in everything that surrounds us.
In January 2014 we were certified by AENOR in process quality management according to the ISO-9001:2008 standard.
In January 2017, Grupo Gefiscal renewed its certification according to the new version of the EN-ISO 9001:2015 international standard
In 2020 we once again renewed our commitment to a quality service with accreditation from the company OCA GLOBAL.

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This group is the realization of a dream based on work and effort, which we renew day after day so that our clients evolve by our side.
Gefiscal Cáceres Central
San Pedro de Alcántara, 6
C.P. 10001 – Cáceres, España
Gefiscal Madrid
Calle Goya, 15, 5ª planta
C.P. 28001, Madrid
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